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€ 85,00
EAN-13: 0777811200091
Alexander G. ALEXAKIS
The Greek Life of St. Leo bishop of Catania (BHG 981b). Text and Notes by Alexander G. ALEXAKIS. Translation by Susan WESSEL.
Edizione:Société des Bollandistes, 2011
Collana:Subsidia Hagiographica

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Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 85,00
DescrizioneThe Greek Life of St. Leo of Catania is an unusual piece of hagiography, equally distributed between the depiction of the deeds of the Saint and the antics of his rival, the magician Heliodorus, who in some respects foreshadows the character of Dr. Faust. This elegant work could possibly emanate from the Iconophile circles of Constantinople, written towards the end of the Second Iconoclasm (c. 838-842) against the Iconoclast Patriarch John VII, the Grammarian, whose alias is suggested to be the magician Heliodorus. The volume includes a thorough investigation of the manuscript tradition, a critical edition, and an English translation (by Prof. Susan Wessel) of the text ; in the Commentary emphasis is placed on the parallel sources and the material found in the Greek magical papyri that underlies most of the magical stories of Heliodorus, stories which appear for the first time in European literature and resurface four centuries later in Western European tales about Virgil the Necromancer. The Appendix includes the critical edition and annotated translation of the Laudatio Leonis ep. Cataniae (BHG 981d).

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€ 65,00
EAN-13: 0777811200090
Guida Marco
Una leggenda in cerca d’autore. La Vita di santa Chiara d’Assisi. Studio delle fonti e sinossi intertestuale. Préface de Jacques Dalarun
Edizione:Société des Bollandistes, 2010
Collana:Subsidia Hagiographica
Info disponibilitàDisponibile subito (1 copia)
Prezzo di acquisto€ 65,00
DescrizioneWith the present study the Author shows that the Legenda sanctae Clarae virginis is the work of Tommaso of Celano, the hagiographer par excellence of Francis of Assisi. At the end of the 15th century Battista Alfani da Perugia, a nun of the Order of St Clare, was the first to maintain this attribution to Tommaso which until now has only been considered an hypothesis. Alfani’s assertion is now confirmed by the Author’s critical work by means of a detailed comparison – on a lexical and stylistic basis – of the Legenda and the process and letter of canonization of St Clare with the genuine works of Tommaso of Celano. Having shown Celano’s authorship of the work, the Author rereads the Legenda sanctae Clarae virginis stressing the precious and significant original material and thus throwing light on hitherto neglected aspects of the Life of St Clare and of the companions of St Fancis and the early history of the Franciscan Order.

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€ 75,00
EAN-13: 9782873650230
Odon de Cluny
Vita sancti Geraldi Auriliacensis. Édition critique, traduction française, introduction et commentaires par Anne-Marie BULTOT-VERLEYSEN
Edizione:Société des Bollandistes, 2009
Collana:Subsidia Hagiographica

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Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 75,00
DescrizioneComposed by Odo, the second abbot of Cluny, the Vita of St Gerald of Aurillac († c. 909/920) is an exceptionally important source for the history of the ninth and tenth centuries. Political and administrative structures, economic organization, social relations, private devotion…: many aspects of the everyday life of a noble layman in his own country and on a pilgrimage to Rome come to life in the author’s fascinating story. Besides many picturesque scenes Odo paints an original and very human portrait of a saint out of the normal. Although the Vita has long attracted the attention of historians, it has never been the subject of a critical edition. The text is accompanied by a new French translation and a detailed commentary. Écrite par Odon, deuxième abbé de Cluny, la Vie de saint Géraud d’Aurillac († c. 909/920) est une source exceptionnelle pour l’histoire des IXe et Xe siècles. Structures politiques et administratives, organisation économique, rapports sociaux, dévotion privée... : de multiples aspects de la vie quotidienne d'un noble laïc, dans son pays natal et sur la route du pèlerinage de Rome, revivent sous la plume alerte de l’auteur. À côté de nombreuses scènes pittoresques, Odon nous livre un portrait original et très humain d’un saint hors normes. Bien qu’ayant depuis longtemps attiré l’attention des historiens, la Vita n’avait jamais fait l’objet d’une édition critique. Celle-ci s’accompagne d’une nouvelle traduction française et de commentaires réévaluant à la lumière de la tradition textuelle l’abondante bibliographie consacrée à l’œuvre. Subsidia Hagiographica 89

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€ 70,00
EAN-13: 0777811200087
Antonio RIGON - André VAUCHEZ
San Rocco.Genesi e prima espansione di un culto. Incontro di studio. Padova, 12-13 febbr 2004
Edizione:Société des Bollandistes, 2006
Collana:Subsidia Hagiographica

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 70,00
DescrizioneAlthough venerated throughout the Christian West, St Roch has nevertheless remained a mysterious personage. Beginning in the second half of the fifteenth century the cult of the holy pilgrim, protector against the plague, spread from Lombardy to Venice and from Venice German merchants took it to Nuremberg and southern Germany , from where it swiftly spread to the rest of Europe . But who was in fact St Roch and what were the causes which led to his cult becoming so deeply rooted with such speed so that traces of it can be seen everywhere including representations of him in works of art? It was to answer these questions that Belgian, French, Italian and German scholars met at Padua in February 2004. Their exchange of views led to the abandonment of opinions previously considered certainties. The joint examination of hagiographic, literary, iconographic and documentary sources as well as the discovery of new texts all gave rise to the problematical image of a new saint who appeared in the wake of a new illness - the plague. It was the result of a process of hagiographic elaboration but not as such a product of pure imagination. It was the invention of printing which led to the rapid progression of the cult by the laity of this lay saint, both at its origins and in its elaboration.

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